The Lakeside Board of EducationRegular Meeting and Annual Report to the Public October 12, 20205:30 P.M.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides Title funds to our district to help supplement (not supplant) the instructional program. The title funds are earmarked in the Arkansas Comprehensive School. Improvement Plan (Indistar) to do the following:
I. Title I funds are
A. used to supplement the K-12 Schoolwide instructional program by employing a Reading Interventionist (K-5), language arts/reading teacher (6th), paraprofessionals (K-12), provide evidence based programs, professional development activities, parent coordinator, homeless students supplies, parent involvement activities, materials and supplies and to hire educational consultants (Fetterman and Fetterman and Coop).
B. used to provide summer school for students in need of support or close to on the Act Aspire examination.
C. used to pay federal coordinator
D. 1003 School Improvement funds are used for
1. Comprehensive (Eudora)
a. Professional Development
2. Targeted (Lakeside Middle School)
b. Professional Development
II. CARES Act Funds
B. Technology
C. Virtual Arkansas Platform
D. Zuni
III. Title II-A funds are used
A. to recruit highly qualified teachers (Teach for America), International Exchange, Arkansas Teacher Corp, MAT and APPEL
B. to provide specialized training to improve teaching and learning as it relates to student achievement.
IV. Title IV funds are used to
A. Provide student with well-rounded educational opportunities: early college and career programs in collaboration with other schools.
B. Improve student-learning conditions by providing activities to support safe and healthy students, drug and violence prevention, and reduction in bullying and harassment.
C. Improve the use of technology by providing professional development to technology
Coordinator and teachers on activities to improve academic achievement, effective use of technology and how to implement it in the classroom through the use of STEM (robotic, coding and stop motion video, etc).
V. Title V funds are used for
A. Advanced Education
B. Etrition Software
C. Tech materials and supplies
VII. Special Needs Funds
A. ESA Funds (NSLA)
1. Used to meet the needs of At-Risk students (after school programs), Robotics
2. School Improvement Specialist
3. Integrated technology into classrooms to improve instruction
4. Used to supplement ALE, ELL Programs and social workers.
5. Hired specialized staff (Instructional Assistants, CIV, East Lab, Americorp, Foster Grandparents, and Resource Officer, school nurse, career coach and intervention teachers.
6. Purchase AR materials and supplies to support K-12 libraries and instructional programs.
7. Used to support transportation for after school, summer school, Med Pro UAM, Auto Mechanic Program and education field trips.
B. ALE Funds
1. Used to hire an ALE Director, English, Math, Science, Social Studies.
C. ELL Funds
1. Used to hire an English Language Learner Coordinator
D. Professional Development Funds
A. Used to provide all professional development for administrators, teachers, assistants, school bus drivers and school, board members.
E. VI-B Funds - Special Education
Gifted and Talented and Special Education Programs
One hundred twenty nine (108) children have been identified as gifted and talented which is an open nomination and on going through out the school year. One-hundred twenty one (115) children have been identified under IDEA (Individual Disability Education Act). VI-B funds are used to support activities for students with disabilities.
Student focus education
Mission Statement
The Lakeside School District will provide all students with the necessary educational skills needed to become productive and responsible citizens in a democratic society. We believe that all students should be provided a challenging curriculum that promotes high academic standards, which lead to students Exceeding and Ready in the content area and College and Career Ready. We also believe that a good education provides students with the foundation for full development of all aspects of human growth. The Lakeside School District is committed to advancing the educational experience of all students.
The Lakeside School District has nine major goals:
1. To comply with all the Arkansas Department of Education standards of accreditation.
2. Continue to provide quality professional development for certified and classified staff members.
3. Continue to improve instructional and implement research-based programs.
4. Continue to improve student learning (Act Aspire, K-2 Assessment, End of Course, ACT or SAT).
5. Continue to improve student attendance and graduation rate.
6. Recruit and maintain highly qualified instructional staff.
7. Implementation of the ACT Standards.
8. Prepare students to become college and career ready.
9. Promote Parent and Community Involvement
10. Provide safe and healthy environment for all student
Grades: K-3rd
Enrollment: 110
Rating: C
Performance Status: Ready in English 415
In Need of Support in Reading 410
Close in Science 414
Close in Math 410
Goal: Improve students’ performance in Reading, Math and Science in all subgroups
Accreditation: Accredited
Grades: Pre-K - 5th
Enrollment: 391
Rating: D
Performance Status: Ready in English 417
In Need of Support in Reading 412
Close in Science 414
Close in Math 413
Goal: Improve students’ performance in Reading, Math and Science in all subgroups
Accreditation: Accredited
Grades: 6th – 8th
Enrollment: 235
Rating: D
Performance Status: Ready in English 423
In Need of Support in Reading 418
Close in Science 420
Close in Math 417
Goal: Improve students’ performance in Literacy, Math and Science in all subgroups
Accreditation: Accredited
Grades: 9th – 12th
Enrollment: 262
Rating: C
Performance Status: Ready in English 428
In Need of Support in Reading (Average of 421)
In Need of Support in Science (Average of 423)
In need of Support in Math (Average pf 422)
Graduation Rate: 4 Year (94.03)
Graduation Rate: 5 Year (95.65)
Goal: Continue to Improve students’ performance in Reading, Math and Science all subgroups in all subgroups.
Average Act Score: English (14.5), Mathematic (15.40), Reading (15.3), Science (15.5), Composite (15.3)
Accreditation: Accredited
Grades: PreK-12
Enrollment: 998
Performance Status: Ready in English 421
In need of Support in Reading (415)
In need of Support in Science (Average (418)
Close in Math (Average 416)
Graduation Rate: 4 Year (94.03)
5 Year (95.65)
The Lakeside School District is fully accredited by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (ADE)
Attached are the individual reports for the schools.