October 2017
Lakeside Board of Education
Regular Meeting
Staff Development Room
October 9, 2017
5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the president. Members present were: Mr. Collins, Ms. Griffin, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McJoy, and Mr. Williams. Mrs. Green and Mr. Mosley were absent.
The September 11, 2017, minutes and financial reports were approved as presented.
The superintendent, principals, GT Coordinator, Ell Coordinator, Technology Coordinator, Librarian/Media Specialist and counselor gave an annual report to the public. The following topics were discussed: Title I Schoolwide programs, Title II, Title IV, Title V, Indistar, 1003a Grant, School Performance Data Reports and Status, ACT and ACT Aspire Assessments data reports, School Interventions, Parent Engagement activities, integrating technology in the classroom, GT Program, Ell Students, ESSA, AQT, Equity report, Standards Assurance, School Choice, ACSIP, School Safety, graduation rate, how federal and special needs funds were used; the District’s vision, mission, and annual goods were discussed.
The superintendent discussed the date of the annual school board election. A motion was made by Mr. Livingston and seconded by Mr. Collins to adopt policy 1.21 which outlines the school election process beginning 2018 (See attached policy). The motion carried.
The superintendent recommended to the board to revise student policy 4.15 (contact with students while at school) and 6.5 (visitors to the schools). A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Mr. McJoy to adopt revisions to student policy 4.15 and community policy 635 (see attached policies). The motion carried.
The board agreed to table reorganization of the board until a later date.
The superintendent discussed school board training dates for NSBA (April 6th-9th, 2018), ASBA State Training (December 6th - 8th), ASBA Regional Meeting (October 30, 2017) and APSRC School Board Training (October 10, 2017). The superintendent also discussed recommendations made by the Lakeside School District’s facilities committee.
A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Mr. Williams to approve November 13, 2017, as the public hearing date for the 2018 Facilities Master Plan in accordance Ref: A.C.A. 6-21-806. The motion carried.
The superintendent gave an update on the Mainline Clinic on the high school campus and the Lakeside Band trip to New Orleans. A motion was made to approve the Lakeside Band to participate in the Bacchus and IRIS on February 11th & 12th, 2018 parade in New Orleans. The motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:45 P.M.