Dyslexia Screening Process:
Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. Dyslexia is described as difficulties in accurate and/or fluent word recognition, poor spelling, and decoding abilities. These difficulties are a result of a deficit in the phonological component of language.
Lakeside School district screens all kindergarten thru second grade students annually for dyslexic tendencies using the DIBELS Next and the Rapid Naming screeners. Teachers in grades 3-12 can recommend students for dyslexia screening as needed. Screener assessments indicate student placement in Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 intervention groups. We provide interventions to all Tier 2 & 3 student through classroom interventions based on targeted skills in the five components of reading (phonological awareness, phonics, word study/vocabulary, fluency and comprehension).
The students in Tier 3 interventions are also screened using the C-TOPP 2, GORT, Woodcock Johnson, and TOWEL test. These screening test show which students have the characteristics of dyslexia. We gather multiple sources of data on each student in Tier 3 before making the decision to pull a student for dyslexia intervention.
Lakeside School District 2023-2024
Lakeside School District: Act 1039 of 2017 Reporting By the School District (Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-606 (b)) Dyslexia Program During the 2023-2024 school year, Lakeside School District used the following evidenced-based programs for Dyslexia Interventions:
Take Flight
Sonday System
During the 2023-2024 school year, one hundred eight (108) students attending Lakeside School District received dyslexia intervention services. One hundred eight (108) students attending Lakeside School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia.
The student breakdown for students receiving services by school is as follows:
School Number of Students Served with Dyslexia Characteristics
Lakeside High School
Lakeside Middle School
Lakeside Elementary School
Eudora Elementary School
Lakeside School District 2022-2023
Lakeside School District: Act 1039 of 2017 Reporting By the School District (Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-606 (b)) Dyslexia Program During the 2022-2023 school year, Lakeside School District used the following evidenced-based programs for Dyslexia Interventions:
Take Flight
During the 2022-2023 school year, sixty-one (61) students attending Lakeside School District received dyslexia intervention services. Sixty-one (61) students attending Lakeside School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia.
The student breakdown for students receiving services by school is as follows:
School Number of Students Served with Dyslexia Characteristics
Lakeside High School
Lakeside Middle School
Lakeside Elementary School
Eudora Elementary School
Lakeside School District 2021-2022
Lakeside School District: Act 1039 of 2017 Reporting By the School District (Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-606 (b)) Dyslexia Program During the 2021-2022 school year, Lakeside School District used the following evidenced-based programs for Dyslexia Interventions:
* Barton’s
* Take Flight
During the 2021-2022 school year, twenty-seven (27) students attending Lakeside School District received dyslexia intervention services. Twenty-seven (27) students attending Lakeside School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia.
The student breakdown for students receiving services by school is as follows:
School Number of Students Served with Dyslexia Characteristics
Lakeside High School
Lakeside Middle School
Lakeside Elementary School
Eudora Elementary School
Lakeside School District 2020-2021
Lakeside School District: Act 1039 of 2017 Reporting By the School District (Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-606 (b)) Dyslexia Program During the 2020-2021 school year, Lakeside School District used the following evidenced-based programs for Dyslexia Interventions:
* Barton’s
* Take Flight
During the 2020-2021 school year, seventeen (17) students attending Lakeside School District received dyslexia intervention services. Seventeen (17) students attending Lakeside School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia. Due to COVID-19, students were served both virtual and onsite.
The student breakdown for students receiving services by school is as follows:
School Number of Students Served with Dyslexia Characteristics
Lakeside High School
Lakeside Middle School
Lakeside Elementary School
Eudora Elementary School
Lakeside Elementary 2019-2020
Lakeside School District: Act 1039 of 2017 Reporting By the School District (Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-606 (b)) Dyslexia Program During the 2019-2020 school year, Lakeside School District used the evidenced-based program Bartons Reading and Spelling for Dyslexia Intervention Program in small group intervention to address the deficit areas of students identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia. . Total Number of Students Identified as Exhibiting the Characteristics of Dyslexia During the 2019-2020 school year, 31 students attending Lakeside Public School District were identified as
exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia. Number of Students Who Received Dyslexia Intervention During the 2019-2020 school year, 31 students attending Lakeside Public School District received dyslexia intervention services from a trained dyslexia interventionist. Due to COVID-19, students were served both virtual and onsite.
Eudora Elementary 2019-2020
Lakeside School District / Eudora Elementary School: Act 1039 of 2017 Reporting By the School District (Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-606 (b)) Dyslexia Program During the 2019-2020 school year, Lakeside/Eudora School District used the evidenced-based program Take Flight for Dyslexia Intervention Program in small group intervention to address the deficit areas of students identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia. Number of Students Who Received Dyslexia Intervention During the 2019-2020 school year, 2 students attending Lakeside/Eudora Public School District received dyslexia
intervention services from a trained dyslexia interventionist. Total Number of Students Identified as Exhibiting the Characteristics of Dyslexia During the 2019-2020 school year, 2 students attending Lakeside/Eudora Public School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia. Due to COVID-19, students were served both virtual and onsite.
Lakeside Elementary 2018-2019
Lakeside School District: Act 1039 of 2017 Reporting By the School District (Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-606 (b)) Dyslexia Program During the 2018-2019 school year, Lakeside School District used the evidenced-based program Take Flight for Dyslexia Intervention Program in small group intervention to address the deficit areas of students identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia. Number of Students Who Received Dyslexia Intervention During the 2018-2019 school year, 0 students attending Lakeside Public School District received dyslexia intervention services from a trained dyslexia interventionist. Total Number of Students Identified as Exhibiting the Characteristics of Dyslexia During the 2018-2019 school year, 8 students attending Lakeside Public School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia.
Eudora Elementary 2018-2019
Lakeside School District / Eudora Elementary School: Act 1039 of 2017 Reporting By the School District (Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-606 (b)) Dyslexia Program During the 2018 - 2019 school year, Lakeside/Eudora School District used the evidenced-based program Take Flight for Dyslexia Intervention Program in small group intervention to address the deficit areas of students identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia. Number of Students Who Received Dyslexia Intervention During the 2018-2019 school year, 0 students attending Lakeside/Eudora Public School District received dyslexia intervention services from a trained dyslexia interventionist. Total Number of Students Identified as Exhibiting the Characteristics of Dyslexia During the 2018-2019 school year, 1 students attending Lakeside/Eudora Public School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia.
Lakeside Elementary 2017-2018
Lakeside School District: Act 1039 of 2017 Reporting By the School District (Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-606 (b)) Dyslexia Program During the 2017-2018 school year, Lakeside School District used the evidenced-based program Take Flight for Dyslexia Intervention Program in small group intervention to address the deficit areas of students identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia. Number of Students Who Received Dyslexia Intervention During the 2017-2018 school year, 0 students attending Lakeside Public School District received dyslexia intervention services from a trained dyslexia interventionist. Total Number of Students Identified as Exhibiting the Characteristics of Dyslexia During the 2017-2018 school year, 8 students attending Lakeside Public School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia.
Eudora Elementary 2017-2018
Lakeside School District / Eudora Elementary School: Act 1039 of 2017 Reporting By the School District (Ark. Code Ann. § 6-41-606 (b)) Dyslexia Program During the 2017- 2018 school year, Lakeside/Eudora School District used the evidenced-based program Take Flight for Dyslexia Intervention Program in small group intervention to address the deficit areas of students identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia. Number of Students Who Received Dyslexia Intervention During the 2017-2018 school year, 0 students attending Lakeside/Eudora Public School District received dyslexia
intervention services from a trained dyslexia interventionist. Total Number of Students Identified as Exhibiting the Characteristics of Dyslexia During the 2017-2018 school year, 0 students attending Lakeside/Eudora Public School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia.