October 2023 Board Minutes
Lakeside Board of Education
Regular Meeting
October 10, 2023
Administration Building Cafeteria
5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the president. The following members were present: Rev. Green, Mr. Lane, Mr. Livingston, Mrs. Smith, Ms. Sykes, and Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Williams.
The minutes and financial reports for September 11, 2023 were approved as presented.
The superintendent, principals, curriculum specialist, LEA Supervisor, technology coordinator and STEM director gave an annual report to the public. The following topics were discussed: Title I Schoolwide Program, Title II, Title IV, Title V, Indistar, District Support Plan, The Science of Reading, 1003 Grant, SOAR Grant, Cares Act Funds (ESSER I, ESSER II, ARP Funds and Plan), school performance data reports and grade status, ACT, ACT Aspire Assessment Data Reports , school interventions, parent engagement activities, integrating technology into the classroom, GT Programs, ELL students, Homeless, ESSA, AQT, ACT 1240, School Choice, LEARNS ACT, School Safety, STEM, Title IX Compliance, Standards of Accreditation, Standards of Assurance, Students with Disabilities, 504, Wellness Committee requirements checklist (Implementations and Compliance), Child Nutrition Program, graduation rate, 10 year attendance projection, how federal and special needs funds were used; the District’s vision, mission and annual goals were discussed. Also, the board agreed to conduct its public hearing on November 13, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the proposed Facilities Master Plan for 2024.
A motion was made by Mr. Livingston and seconded by Mrs. Smith to employ First Security Beardsley as Financial Advisor for a period of three (3) years effective as of the date of adoption. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Livingston and seconded by Rev. Green to adopt the attached Proposed Budget of Expenditures with Tax Levy for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2025 to and including June 30, 2026 and to approve the related sample ballot. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Livingston and seconded by Mr. Williams to accept American Building Specialties’ bid to purchase 29 interior doors for Eudora Elementary School for $8,544.00 using the safety grant funds. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Livingston and seconded by Mrs. Smith to accept O2 Cool Air bid to install two A/C units in bus number 44, 45 and 46 for $11,300 each which total to $33,000 using enhanced transportation funds. 02 Cool was the only bid received. The motion carried.
The superintendent discussed the Certified and Classified Personnel Policy Committee Members elected for 2023-24 school year. Also, an update was given on the ASBA Regional Training (October 26, 2023 at Monticello Elementary School), ASBA State Conference (December 6-8 at the Marriott State House Convention Center) and the board appointed Johnny Williams to serve on the ASBA Delegate Assembly to represent the Lakeside Board of education. The superintendent gave the board an invitation to the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Middle School Star Academy event.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourn at 8:25 P.M.