February 2024 Board Minutes
Lakeside Board of Education
Regular Meeting
February 12, 2024
Administration Building Cafeteria
5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the vice-president. The following members were present: Rev. Green, Mr. Lane, Mrs. Smith, Ms. Sykes, Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Williams. Mr. Livingston was absent.
The minutes and financial reports for January 9, 2024 were approved as presented.
Dr. Goins, Lakeside Elementary School Principal, and kindergarten teachers (Mrs. Calvin and Mrs. Casevechia) showcased students by reading to the board. Also, the principals provided student data reports to determine if students were making progress based on the LEARNS ACT requirements.
A motion was made by Mr. Lane and seconded by Ms. Sykes to approve 2024-25 School Calendar #1 (72.5% of the teachers voted in favor). The motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Lane and seconded by Mrs. Smith to approve the resolution authorizing the Lakeside School District to submit an ACT 1240 Waiver to start school no earlier than August 12, 2024 (See attached resolution). The motion carried.
A motion was made by Rev. Green and seconded by Mr. Williams to allow the Robotics Teams to participate in National Robotics Competition in Council Bluffs, Iowa (March 12-21 2024). The motion carried.
A motion was made by Mrs. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Williams to adopt the following personnel policies approved by the PPC on January 10, 2024. The Licensed Personnel Technology use (3.28), Licensed Personnel Employee Internet Use Agreement (3.28F), Equal Education Opportunity (4.11), Classified Personnel Technology Use Policy (8.22), Classified Personnel Internet Use Agreement (8.22F) and Classified Personnel Duty to Maintain License in Good Standing (8.48). Rev. Green, Mrs. Smith, Ms. Sykes, Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Williams voted in favor of all policies and Mr. Lane voted in favor of policies (3.28, 3.28F, 8.22, 8.22F, 8.48 and voted against 4.11 (Equal Education Opportunity). The motion carried by majority vote.
The superintendent discussed bid tabulation from bids opening on February 9, 2024 at 2:00 P.M. for Cafeteria/saferoom addition and warehouse/field house. The following contractors were the lowest bidders: Bid Package #1- Earthwork (WJ Excavating - $165.997), Bid Package #2 - Masonry (JP Masonry - $154, 120), Bid Package#3 - Drywall and Ceilings (SW Drywall $36,400), Bid Package #4 - Flooring (Carpet One - $32,603.00), Bid Package #5 - Painting (Rogers Painting - $44,065), Bid Package #6 – Plumbing - (Razorback Piping - $129,180.00), Bid Package #7 - HVAC (Glenn Mechanical-$148,507), Bid Package # 8 - Electrical ($225,400.00) and Bid Package #9 - General Trades ($1,713.933.00), General Conditions ($231.400) and CM fee ($144,052.25). A motion was made by Rev. Green and seconded by Mr. Williams to approve the bid tabulation for the lowest bidders for Packages #1-9. Also, the General Conditions and CM fees to build the cafeteria saferoom and warehouse/field house are included in total cost of $3,025,097.25. The district will use $1,800,000 of ESSER funds to support the cafeteria/saferoom. The motion carried.
The superintendent also discussed Transformative Education Reform, Solar Eclipse (April 8, 2024), COSSBA National School Board Conference (February 22-25, 2024 in Dallas, TX), Hotel accommodations and registration.
The vice-president requested that the board go into executive session for the purpose of employment, promotion, discipline, or resignation of personnel. After the discussion, the public was allowed to return. A motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Ms. Sykes to renew the contracts for Charles Brady (Lakeside High School Principal), Dr. Willie Goins (Lakeside Elementary Principal), Ross Sims (Eudora Elementary Principal), Dr. Vera Wright (Lakeside Middle School Principal), Audrey Brown (Federal Programs Coordinator), Laneice Edwards (Special Education Director), Lori Cingolani (School Improvement Specialist), Jennifer Armstrong (Stem Director), Cristy Stone (As needed, AEE System) and hire Mr. Charles Freeman (As needed Band Director). The motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.