October 2016
Lakeside Board of Education
Regular Meeting
October 10, 2016
Staff Development Room
5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the president: The following Members were present: Mr. Collins, Mrs. Green, Ms. Griffin, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Mosley and Mr. Williams. Mr. McJoy was absent.
The September 12, 2016 minutes and financial report were approved as presented. The superintendent also discussed the attendance report and enrollment projection to 2026.
The Lakeside Board of Education reorganized. A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Mrs. Green to allow each Board of Directors to remain in their present positions. The motion carried.
The Superintendent, Principals, Instructional Facilitators, Dyslexia Coordinator, GT Coordinator, ELL Coordinator, Technology Coordinator, Librarian/Media Specialist, Parent Involvement Coordinator and Counselor gave an annual report to the public. The following topics were discussed: Title I Schoolwide Programs, Indistar, School Performance Data Reports and Status, ACT Aspire Assessments, School improvement interventions, schoolwide parent involvement activities, intergrating technology in the classroom, GT programs, ELL Students growth on performance reports, VEX Program, ESSA, how federal and special needs funds are used, AQT, equity report, Standards Assurance, School Choice, ACSIP, School Safety, graduation rate and annual goals.
The superintendent discussed school board training dates (NSBA Conference, ASBA Regional, State and APSRC School Board Training). Also, the superintendent discussed the Lake Village Clinic and Mainline Health Center Proposals to establish a School-based Clinic in the Lakeside School District. The superintendent recommended to the board that surveys should be sent out to parents and teachers to get their input before a decision is made.
The board agreed to allow the superintendent to get bids from electric contractors to replace damaged underground electric wires to the three portable building behind the elementary school.
A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Mr. Williams to get bids to place two voice activated video cameras in each classroom beginning with the high school to provide educational services and safety for our students. The motion carried.
The president requested that the board go into executive session for the purpose of employment, appointment, discipline, promotion, or resignation of personnel. After the discussion, the public was allowed to return. A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Mr. Williams to give Cynthia Harris a $2100 increase to work 60% of the time in accounts payable. Also, pay Mr. Greg Pearson on a beginning teacher’s salary as a bachelor level teacher based on ACT 1240 for 2016-17 school year. The motion carried.
There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.