October 2013
Lakeside Board of Education
Regular Meeting and Annual Report to the Public
Staff Development Room
October 14, 2013
5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the vice-president. The following members were present: Mr. Collins, Mrs. Green, Ms. Griffin, Mr. McJoy, Mr. Mosley and Mr. Williams. Mr. Livingston was absent.
The minutes were approve as presented.
The superintendent gave the attendance report and Mrs. Estelle discussed the financial report.
The board reorganized. A motion was made by Mr. Williams to nominate Mr. Livingston for president, Mrs. Green was nominated vice-president and Ms. Griffin was nominated for secretary. The motion was seconded by Mr. Collins to accept all nominations. The motion carried.
The assistant superintendent, principals, technology coordinator and parent coordinator gave an annual report to the public. The following topics were discussed. Title I, School Report Card, schoolwide parent involvement activities, school performance status, integrating technology in the classrooms, HQT, ACSIP, Equity report, standard assurance, and school safety. A motion was made by Ms. Griffin and seconded by Mr. Collins to approve the 2013-14 ACSIP. The motion carried.
The superintendent gave an update of the school board meetings.
A motion was made by Mr. McJoy and seconded by Mr. Williams to nominate Tom Mosley to serve in zone 5 until the next school board election. The motion carried.
The vice-president requested that the board go into executive session for the purpose of employment, promotion, demotion, and resignation.
After the discussion, the public was allowed to return.
A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Mr. McJoy to accept the resignation of Thomas Ford and Judith Ashley. The motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.