April 2024 Board Minutes
Lakeside Board of Education
Regular Meeting
April 8, 2024
Administration Building Cafeteria
5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the president. The following members were present: Rev. Green, Mr. Lane, Mr. Livingston, Mrs. Smith, Ms. Sykes and Mrs. Thompson. Mr. Williams was absent.
The minutes and financial reports for March 11, 2024 meeting were approved as presented.
The principals gave an update on student data to determine if students were making progress toward performance goals based on the LEARNS ACT requirements.
The superintendent discussed a letter from the Arkansas State Board of Education approving a waiver the district requested to begin school no earlier than August 12, 2024 for 2024-25 school year. Also, the superintendent gave the board an update on the New AR-App, Junior Senior Prom, Mainline Health Productivity Report and the construction report. Furthermore, the Lakeside Board members and Superintendent will handout diplomas to the 2024 graduating class and Mrs. Smith will announce the awards and scholarships.
Mrs. Verlin Butler, Chairperson of the Lakeside Certified Personnel Policy Committee and Mrs. Ronnica Webb, Chairperson of the Classified Personnel Policy Committee discussed revisions to policies (3.22) certified and (8.16) Classified dress code policies. (See attached). The revised policies 3.22 and 8.16 (Employees shall ensure that their dress is work appropriate and must project professionalism that represents a professional atmosphere. Any clothes that are too revealing and inappropriate are not allowed. Examples (Skirts/dresses are to be worn at knee length, no torn or ripped attire, leggings are to be worn with appropriate dress, no bandanas or sports bands, no sheer or see through clothing). A motion as made by Mr. Livingston and seconded by Mrs. Smith to adopt revisions to the certified dress code (3.22) and classified dress code (8.16) policies beginning July 1, 2024. Mr. Lane, Mr. Livingston, Mrs. Smith, Ms. Sykes and Mrs. Thompson voted in favor. Rev. Green voted against. The motion carried by majority vote.
The president requested the board go into executive session for the purpose of employment, appointment, promotion, discipline, or resignation of personnel. After the discussion, the public was allowed to return.
A motion was made by Mr. Livingston and seconded by Rev. Green to renew the contracts of all classified staff (on the lists) by Dr. Adams (Central office staff, bus drivers, maintenance workers, transportation, janitorial, cafeteria, and as-needed workers); Mr. Brady (Lakeside High School Classified List); Dr. Wright (Lakeside Middle Classified List); Dr. Goins (Lakeside Elementary School Classified List); Mr. Sims (Eudora Elementary Classified List) and accept the resignations of D’Erica Blackmon (5th Grade Teacher) and Octavia Moore (High School Secretary). The motion carries.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M.