February 2022
Board Minutes
Lakeside Board of Education
Regular Meeting
February 14, 2022
Staff Development Room
5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the president. The following members were present: Rev. Green, Ms. Griffin, Mr. Livingston, Rev. McJoy, Mr. Mosley, Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Williams.
The minutes and financial reports for January 10, 2022 were approved as presented.
The superintendent discussed the Legislative Audit Findings for school year ended June 30, 2021. Also, update was given on school board members zones and filing deadline (February 21 to March 1, 2022 at noon), Garrett PD 6500I Metal Detector, background check scanner, Themo Fisher Testing Kit Program and the HVAC Project at Eudora Elementary.
A motion was made by Ms. Griffin and seconded by Mrs. Thompson to increase the health insurance match for staff from $165 to $194 which will cost the district an additional $35,844 per year (103 staff X $29.00 monthly X 12 months = $35,844). The motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Livingston and seconded by Rev. Green to purchase 5 new 2023, 78 passenger school buses from the lowest bidder off the State bid list. Rush Truck bidded ($106,350.00), Central States Bus Sales ($123,191), and Midwest Bus Sales ($112,261.00). Rush Truck Sales received the bid as the lowest bidder for a total cost of $531,750.00 for five new 2023 school buses. The motion carried.
The president requested that the board go into executive session for the purpose of employment, appointment, promotion, discipline of resignation of personnel. Rev. Green was asked to leave the room. After the discussion, the public was allowed to return.
A motion was made by Mr. Livingston and seconded by Mr. Williams to approve the renewal of contracts for Linda Armour (High School Principal), Dr. Vera Wright (Middle School Principal), Cristy Stone (Elementary Principal), Ross Sims (Eudora Elementary Principal/Technology Coordinator), Audrey Brown (Federal Coordinator), Lori Cingolani (School Improvement Specialist) and Jennifer Armstrong Stem Director). Also, appoint Coach Darrius Green as Interim Head Football Coach. 6 voted in favor and Rev. Green abstained due to a conflict. The motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:40 P.M.