July 2023 Board Minutes
Lakeside Board of Education
Regular Meeting
July 10, 2023
5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the president. The following members were present: Mr. Lane, Mr. Livingston, Mrs. Smith, Ms. Sykes, Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Williams. Rev. Green was absent.
The June 12, 2023 minutes and financial reports were approved as presented.
The superintendent discussed ACT 237 of 2023 (LEARNS), 2023-2024 District Website Checklist requirements and dates, school improvement plans, ASBA New Membership database (AR Board Connect) and ASBA 2023 Southern Region Leadership Conference (Hot Springs July 16-18, 2023).
A motion was made by Mrs. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Williams to accept Reynolds Radio Service, Inc. bid to install 10 VHF Motorola Digital Mobile Radios in 10 new school buses for $10,427.29. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Livingston and seconded by Mr. Williams to purchase ASBA Risk Management Program Property Insurance for $179,962, vehicle ($22,835.72) and mobile equipment ($864.00) for the 2023-24 School Year. The motion carried.
The president requested that the board go into executive session for the purpose of employment, appointment, promotion discipline or resignation of personnel. After the discussion, the public was allowed to return. A motion was made by Mr. Livingston and seconded by Ms. Sykes to approve the contracts of Trina Davenport (High School Librarian/Media Specialist), Suredo Jefferson (Elementary - 4 th Grade Teacher), Roshaunda H. Lee (Cafeteria Manager for K-8) Re-assign as part-time (Enda Brown, Eudora Elementary 3rd Grade), Linda Gayfield (Eudora Elementary Interventionist), Cristy Stone (As needed) and accept the resignation of Barbara Boatner (Eudora Nurse). The motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:32 P.M.