September 2022 Board Minutes
Lakeside Board of Education
Regular Meeting
September 12, 2022
Staff Development Room
5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the president. The following members were present: Rev. Green, Mr. Lane, Mr. Livingston, Mrs. Smith, Ms. Sykes, and Mrs. Thompson. Mr. Williams was absent.
The August 8, 2022 minutes and financial reports were approved as presented.
The superintendent requested that the board review and approve the annual school budget for 2022-23 school year, special education budget, ACSIP (ESEA) Assurance (Title I, Title II, Title IV, Title V and McKinney Veto); Equity and Minority, Recruitment and Retention Plan and a spreadsheet showing all employees with an increase in pay of 5% or more from fiscal year 2020-21 to fiscal year 2021-22. A motion was made by Ms. Sykes and seconded by Mrs. Smith to approve the budgets for 2022-23 school year, ESEA Assurance, Equity and Minority Recruitment Plan and the 5% or more increase in employees’ salary from fiscal year 2020-21 to fiscal year 2021-22. The motion carried.
The superintendent recommended to the board to use ARP ESSER to give employees additional incentive pay based on recruitment and retention of a diverse and qualified workforce. A motion was made by Mr. Lane and seconded by Ms. Sykes to utilize ARP ESSER funds to provide a one-time retention and recruitment incentive pay to full time certified staff in the amount of $5000.00, part-time certified staff will be prorated based on the number of hours contracted. Full time classified district staff will receive $2500.00 and part-time classified district staff will be prorated based on the number of hours worked or contracted. The incentive pay will be given in two equal payments with the first payment given on December 23, 2022 and the last payment given on May 31, 2023. Additional incentive pay will not be prorated if the employee leaves before the end of the semester or end of the school year. The motion carried.
Mr. Ray Brooks, Band Director, submitted a proposal requesting that the Lakeside High School Marching Band participate in the Bayou Classic Parade in New Orleans, LA on November 25 and 26, 2022. A motion was made by Mrs. Smith and seconded by Mr. Lane to allow the Lakeside High School Marching Band to participate in the Bayou Classic in New Orleans. The motion carried.
The superintendent discussed ASBA School Board Training dates (September 12th and 26th Southeast Co-op onsite and Virtual. ASBA Regional meetings, Region 14 in McGehee, October 18th and ASBA 2022 Annual Conference, December 7th-9th).
The president requested that the board go into executive session for the purpose of employment, appointment, promotion, discipline or resignation of personnel. After the discussion, the public was allowed to return.
A motion was made by Mr. Lane and seconded by Ms. Sykes to approve the certified contract for Kristal Alday (High School Math), Tammie Shaw (High School Business Technology), Barbara Sykes (PreK Paraprofessional), Georgetta Fulford (Eudora Custodian), Antonio Harden(Custodian and mini bus Driver), Leticia Kincade (Special Education, Secretary), Francis Litton (Elementary Paraprofessional) and accept the resignation of U-Rhonda Anderson (High School Librarian/Dyslexia), Elijah Jackson (Eudora Paraprofessional) and Jennie Bell (Food Service). The motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:25 P.M. to attend a school board training.