Gifted & Talented
Gifted Information
Identification for the Gifted and Talented program consists of several stages.
Stage 1 – Referral – Students may be referred to the GT program at anytime during the year. Referrals may come from parents, teachers, other school personnel, students, and community members. Link to Gifted Referral Form.
Stage 2 – Data Collection – Data will be compiled as the GT Coordinator receives referrals. Data collected MAY consist of current standardized test scores, non-verbal abilities test, school abilities test scores, creativity test, grades, task commitment inventories, parent rating scales, teacher rating scales, and other data deemed appropriate by the GT Coordinator.
Stage 3 – Placement – After all data is collected and compiled, the placement committee reviews and analyzes the data and makes professional decisions on the placement of students. The placement committee is made up of a minimum of five members consisting of administrators, teachers, and/or counselors and is led by the GT Coordinator. Student placement decisions are based upon multiple criteria. No single criterion or cut-off score is used to include or exclude a student. Parents and teachers will be notified of the decision to place or not to place in the GT program. Consent to place forms will be sought of those students who are placed in the program.
GT identification procedures are non-discriminatory with respect to race, culture, economic background, religion, national origin, sex, or handicapping condition.
Gifted Definition
Gifted and talented children and youth are those of high potential or ability whose learning characteristics and educational needs require qualitatively differentiated educational experiences and/or services.
Possession of these talents and gifts, or the potential for their development, will be evidenced through an interaction of above average intellectual ability, task commitment and/or motivation, and creative ability.
Gifted Program Outline
The G/T Program consists of the following services:
Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade are serviced through whole group enrichment for a minimum of 30 minutes per week.
The GT teacher and the classroom teacher will share this responsibility. Exemplar work and student responses are collected from these students and kept on file for long term identification.
Third grade through sixth grades are serviced through a resource room for a minimum of 150 minutes per week. The G/T curriculum differentiates from the regular classroom curriculum while depending on knowledge of disciplines taught in the regular classroom. The G/T students are exposed to various units of study which creative and critical thinking, research, and communication skills are stressed.
Seventh and eighth grade are serviced through Pre-AP math and/or social studies. The G/T teacher works with the teachers to help implement differentiated projects and activities for the identified students.
All ninth through twelfth grade students have the option of participating in Pre AP/AP classes in science, social studies, math, and language.
Gifted Program Goals
i. To provide, in addition to the regular school curriculum, a differentiated curriculum for identified students.
ii. To provide appropriately differentiated student experiences to meet the cognitive, affective, and social needs of the identified GT students.
iii. To develop awareness about the nature and needs of gifted/talented students among the student body, faculty, and community at large.
iv. To provide for the educational needs of each identified student using resources available.
v. To provide gifted/talented students with opportunities to identify and to pursue advanced areas of study to whatever extent and depth their abilities and interests allow.
vi. To help students develop creativity and critical thinking skills
vii. To provide opportunities for students to learn about their own affective needs
viii. To provide opportunities for students to become independent thinkers
ix. To provide gifted/talented students with opportunities to be task-committed and motivated in work.
x. To present subject content that is related to broad-based issues, themes, or problems.
xi. To integrate multiple disciplines into area of study.
xii. To provide for the development of productive, complex, abstract, and high level thinking levels.
xiii. To provide for open-ended learning experiences.
Gifted Student Goals
GT students are expected to become self-aware, self-understanding, independent learners who are intellectually, creatively, and academically productive, socially responsive, and prepared for future endeavors. GT students will:
1. Understand the concept, characteristics, and responsibilities of giftedness.
2. Demonstrate the ability to use basic and higher level thinking skills.
3. Demonstrate creative thinking skills.
4. Participate in self-directed learning activities.
5. Demonstrate effective and appropriate group interaction skills.
6. Demonstrate effective communication and presentation skills.
7. Develop positive self-concept and self-esteem.
8. Demonstrate positive interpersonal skills.
9. Apply effective methods of gathering information.
10. Develop and complete appropriate products as the result of the learning process.
11. Design and utilize evaluation techniques.
12. Demonstrate respect for others through the acceptance of their unique interests and abilities.
13. Participate in a variety of learning experiences and environments which are enriching.