

Lakeside School District

Report to the Public

In compliance with the Standards for Accreditation of Public Schools in Arkansas

The Lakeside School District held its annual meeting to the public on October 14, 2019 at 5:30 P.M. in the staff development room located in the Administration Building. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss progress toward accomplishing district program goals, accreditation standards and school objectives for the 2019-20 school year.

The superintendent, principals, GT Coordinator, Technology Coordinator, Parent Coordinator, LEA Supervisor, and the School Improvement Specialist gave an annual report to the public. The following topics were discussed: Title I, Title II, Title IV, Title V, Indistar, 1003 grant, School Improve Plans, School Performance Data reports, ACT, ACT Aspire Assessments, data report (A-F Rating), School interventions, Parent Engagement activities, integrating technology in the classroom, GT Program, VEX (Robotics), ASCIP, School Safety Plan, AMI plan, the Science of Reading, evidence based programs, student discipline (Act 1029 of 2019), School funding, ELL Students, ESSA, AQT, Equity Report, Standards of Assurance, School Choice, School-based Health Clinic, Child Nutrition, graduation rate and how federal and special needs funds are used. Also, the district’s vision mission and annual goals were discussed.


Grades: K-3rd

Enrollment: 110

Rating: C

Performance Status: Ready in English 415

In Need of Support in Reading 410

Close in Science 414

Close in Math 410

Goal: Improve students’ performance in Reading, Math and Science in all subgroups

Accreditation: Accredited


Grades: Pre-K - 5th

Enrollment: 391

Rating: D

Performance Status: Ready in English 417

In Need of Support in Reading 412

Close in Science 414

Close in Math 413

Goal: Improve students’ performance in Reading, Math and Science in all subgroups

Accreditation: Accredited


Grades: 6th – 8th

Enrollment: 235

Rating: D

Performance Status: Ready in English 423

In Need of Support in Reading 418

Close in Science 420

Close in Math 417

Goal: Improve students’ performance in Literacy, Math and Science in all subgroups

Accreditation: Accredited


Grades: 9th – 12th

Enrollment: 262

Rating: C

Performance Status: Ready in English 428

In Need of Support in Reading (Average of 421)

In Need of Support in Science (Average of 423)

In need of Support in Math (Average pf 422)

Graduation Rate: 4 Year (94.03)

Graduation Rate: 5 Year (95.65)

Goal: Continue to Improve students’ performance in Reading, Math and Science all subgroups in all subgroups.

Average Act Score: English (14.5), Mathematic (15.40), Reading (15.3), Science (15.5), Composite (15.3)

Accreditation: Accredited


Grades: PreK-12

Enrollment: 998

Performance Status: Ready in English 421

In need of Support in Reading (415)

In need of Support in Science (Average (418)

Close in Math (Average 416)

Graduation Rate: 4 Year (94.03)

5 Year (95.65)

The Lakeside School District is fully accredited by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (ADE)

Goals: The Lakeside School District has ten major goals:

1. To comply with all the Arkansas Department of Education standards of Accreditation.

2. Continue to provide quality professional development for certified and classified staff members.

3. Continue to improve instruction and implement evidence-based programs.

4. Continue to improve student learning (ACT Aspire, K-2 Assessment, End of Course, ACT or SAT).

5. Continue to improve student attendance and graduation rates.

6. Recruit and maintain highly qualified instructional staff.

7. Implementation of the ACT Standards.

8. Prepare students to become College and Career Ready.

9. Promote Parent and Community engagement.

10. Provide a safe and healthy environment for all students.