November 2015
Lakeside Board of Education
Regular Meeting and Public Hearing to Discuss Facilities Master Plan
November 9, 2015
Staff Development Room
5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the president. The following members were present: Mr. Collins, Mrs. Green, Ms. Griffin, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Mosley and Mr. Williams. Mr. McJoy was absent.
The October 12, 2015 minutes were approved as presented and the superintendent discussed the financial and attendance reports.
Mrs. Jennifer Armstrongs’ Gifted and Talented students gave a presentation on “How to play the stock market”. Mrs. Christina Davenport discussed the new JAG Program and Ms. Carly Earps gave an update on the Halloween carnival sponsored by the Lakeside Elementary School.
The superintendent reviewed the district’s 2016 Facilities Master plan in accordance to A.C.A. 6-21-806 as part of it’s regular meeting. The public was allowed to comment on the master plan. The superintendent requested that the board pass the following resolution for local support of 2016 Facilities Master Plan with required documentation.
A motion was made by Mrs. Green and seconded by Mr. Mosley to pass the above resolution for local support of 2016 Facilities Master Plan. The motion carried.
Mrs. Joyce L. Vaught, Public Relation Director, ethl, presented the following resolution to donate the former Eudora School District Administration Building and grounds to the City of Eudora.
WHEREAS, on this 9th day of November, 2015, the members of the Lakeside School District Board of Education have met in a properly called meeting with a quorum being present, and have determined, pursuant to the authority granted by Ark. Code Ann. § 6-13-620, that the real property owned by the Lakeside school District comprising the former Eudora School District Administration Building and grounds (Eudora Property), is not an integral part of the long term development plans of the school district and is hereby declared to be surplus real property of the school district and authorizes it to be donated to the City of Eudora, Arkansas (City pursuant to the authority of Ark. Code Ann. §6-21-108, upon the conditions set forth below:
1.) The Eudora Property must be used by the City only for the following purposes: Providing community programs, and beneficial educational services, social enrichment programs, or after-school programs which will benefit students of the Lakeside school District; and
2.) Should the Eudora Property ever be used for purposes not listed in 1.) Above, the Lakeside School District shall have the ability to exercise a right of reverter at its sole option to reacquire the Eudora Property from the City at no cost.
NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the Board of Education of the Lakeside School District that its Superintendent is hereby authorized to perform all acts necessary, including but not limited to seeing that all necessary documents are prepared to accomplish this donation in accordance with the terms and restrictions contained in this Resolution, to effectuate this donation of property. The Superintendent shall submit such documents to this Board of education for its review and execution prior to the donation taking effect.
RESOLVED AND EXECUTED this 9th day of November, 2015.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
President Secretary
____________________________________ ___________________________________
Vice-President Member
A motion was made by Mr. Mosley and seconded by Ms. Griffin to approve the above resolution as presented. However, the City of Eudora will be responsible for the cost associated with this transaction. Five voted in favor and Mr. Collins left the room due to being a member of the Eudora City Council. The motion carried.
The superintendent requested that the board adopt a resolution to full disclosure of all relationships and interest as required by A.C.A. 6-24-101 et seq. Board members (Mrs. Loddie Green, Mr. Richard Livingston and Mr. Tommie Mosley) who may have an interest in a proposed transactions, left the meeting prior to the discussion of each transaction, and did not return to the meeting room until the voting on the transaction had been concluded.
A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Ms. Griffin to adopt a resolution to full disclosure of all relationship and interest as required by A.C.A. 6-24-101 et seq. All documentation will be kept in the superintendent’s office for review. The motion carried.
The superintendent discussed school board training dates (November 10, 2015, Co-op, ASBA fall conference, December 9-11, Little Rock, Marriott, NSBA Conference, April 8-12 in Boston) and recommended to the board to approve recurring annual certified and classified bonuses.
A motion was made by Mrs. Green and seconded by Mr. Mosley to give all certified staff $2000.00 and Classified Staff $1000.00 annual bonuses which will be prorated based on contracted days and hours worked. The motion carried.
The president requested that the board go into executive session for the purpose of employment, appointment, promotion, demotion, discipline or resignation of personnel.
After the discussion, the public was allowed to return.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M.