July 2013
Lakeside Board of Education
Regular Meeting
Staff Development Room
July 15, 2013
5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the president. The following members were present. Mrs. Green, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Livingston and Mr. Williams. Mr Collins and Mr. Mazzanti were absent.
The minutes were approved as presented.
The president presented Sharon Walker a plaque for nine years of service on the Lakeside Board of Education and two retirement plaques, one to Ms. Turner for 46 years of service and John McKenna with 25 years of service to public education.
A motion was made by Mrs. Green and seconded by Ms. Griffin to appoint Glen McJoy to zone 2, replacing Sharon Walker who resigned on June 10, 2013. The motion carried.
Diane Estelle discussed the financial report and the superintendent gave a report on TFA Staff, summer school, staff development and the school calendar.
The assistant superintendent discussed federal funds (Title I, Title II, Title III, Title VI and E-Rate). A motion was made by Mr. McJoy and seconded by Mrs. Green to allow the district to accept all federal funds. The motion carried.
The president requested that the board go into executive session for the purpose of employment, appointment, promotion, demotion, discipline or resignation of personnel. After the discussion, the public was allowed to return.
A motion was made by Mr. McJoy and seconded by Mrs. Green to accept the superintendent’s recommendation to employ all new staff provided on the list to replace teachers that resigned or retired. The motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:21 P.M.