March 2019
Lakeside Board of Education
Regular Meeting
March 11, 2019
Staff Development Room
5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the president. The following members were present: Mr. Collins, Mrs. Green, Ms. Griffin, and Mr. Livingston, Mr. McJoy, Mr. Mosley and Mr. Williams.
The February 11, 2019 minutes, attendance (990) and financial reports were approved as presented.
The superintendent discussed the E-Sports (offered to LHS students), Arkansas Thirty-Eight required high school courses, Arkansas graduation requirements, legislative requirements, Advanced Placement Courses we offer through Virtual Arkansas; the Food Service Management Companies required RFP Process and the minimum teacher salary schedule.
The Lakeside Elementary and Middle School Robotics Teams qualified to compete in the National (March 30 – April 4) and Worlds Robotics (April 26 – May 1, Louisville, Kentucky) competitions. A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Ms. Griffin to allow the teams to compete in the National and World Robotics Competition. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Mr. Williams to accept Dixie Fire Protection, Inc. bid to install a new 10’ X 48” X 24” hood and fire suppression system in the Eudora Elementary kitchen for $14,397.50. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Ms. Griffin to allow the Lakeside Band to participate in the band drumline jamboree in Shreveport, LA on April 27, 2019. The motion carried.
The president requested that the board go into executive session for the purpose of employment, appointment, discipline, promotion ore resignation of personnel. After the discussion, the public was allowed to return.
A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Mrs. Green to renew the contracts of all teachers recommended (on the list) on behalf of Mr. Maiden, Mrs. Stone, Mr. Gray, and Ms. Armour. Also, renew the contracts of the ALE Teacher, Director (Charles Brady), Audrey Brown (Federal Coordinator), Ross Sims (Technology Coordinator), Teressa Stinson (LEA and 504 Coordinator), Joyce L. Vaught (Adm. Asst.), Mrs. Cristy Stone (Lakeside Elementary Principal) and Linda Armour (Lakeside High School Principal). The motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Mrs. Green to accept the resignations of John McKenna (middle school Algebra Teacher and ALE) and Rylee Shea (1st grade Lakeside Elementary) The motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Mr. McJoy to extend the superintendent’s contract one additional year to an existing contract from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022. The motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.